Tulsa Garden Railroad Club

Tulsa OK, USA

Club Info

The Tulsa Garden Railroad Club was founded in January 1997. Its purpose is to encourage and broaden the knowledge of large scale garden railroad activities. It is open to anyone interested in large-scale outdoor or indoor model railroading.

Membership is $25/year for an individual, $30 for a family. A corporate membership is $250. An associate membership is $15 for distant members too far for regular activities.


•President: David Kessler
•Vice President: Bob Buttram
•Secretary: Sid Spencer
•Treasurer: Elly Guess


Activities include a monthly meeting held at the Airport Free Will Baptist Church. These meetings feature a presentation, a short business meeting and refreshments.

We have 3 different layouts we set up at events in the area. A floor layout which can be large or small, the Mini Modules, and the Large Modular Layout which adapts to the space available.

Corporate Sponsors

• Catalina Cove Developement - Skiatook Lake

• Chew Chew Express

Reindeer Pass

• State Farm - Beverly Taylor, Skiatook

Waste Research